Dr Peter White's Blog

Thoughts and comments from Dr Peter White -- political, philosophical, spiritual, musical and more

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Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

I am retired from the Uni. of Queensland, and have numerous interests inside and outside of the uni. I play classical, bluegrass, country and folk guitar (hows that for a mix?) I am a member of the Australian Labor Party and am currently branch secretary of the Mt Coot-tha branch. I'm also involved in developing virtual reality builds and websites. Never bored!

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas reflection

Are there more genuine Christmas wishes this year, or is it just me? Last night I went to the Christmas service at St Mary's in Brisbane; the church was so full that people were literally looking in the windows because there was no room in the church. Terry Fitzpatrick, one of the priests, gave a short and poignant homily, based on the "no room for them in the inn" theme. He cited Thomas Merton, who was concerned that there is no room in our world anymore for quiet, reflection, and common acts of courtesy, kindness and charity [love]. Terry went on to talk about the experience of one of the workers at St Mary's last year, when a family in need was given help by her at the parish house.

This leads me to think that perhaps more people of good will just might take the Christmas messager further than Boxing Day, and work throughout the year to achieve that necessary room for themselves, and for us all.

It would be nice to see the scoreboard change from Mammon: heaps; God: very little, to one of deep loving of each other, our earth, and the beginning of deep spirituality which matched by an awereness of deep ecology.

So, from me, Merry Christmas, and may 2005 be a better year for all of us; it will be if we work at it!

PB White


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